Thursday, 24 December 2009

Poinsettia Promises

 Poinsettia Promises.

At this time of year it is really difficult finding the time to paint.But if watercolour is as much an addiction to you as it is to me a day without picking up my brush is  sheer agony. Over the last few days I have quietly allowed colour to literally run on an easel placed at an angle to see what could emerge. Poinsettia are the perfect flower to  create almost abstract images from. My initial paintings were formed like "Poinsettia Promises" seen above using mainly Alizarin Crimson and Cadmium Orange.

But then I decided to explore using a wonderful blue for a half background to contrast with my orange.

 Here I am working further to bring out individual petals.


From these studies of a size of 18" by 12" I have gained some incredible ideas for beautiful ful paintings using texture and placement of not only my subject but also my colour for interest.

 I also have ideas for brilliant projects  to work on in 2010 so I hope you are as eager to paint next year as I am!

Have a wonderful Christmas!


  1. wonderful work Jane,!!!!!!
    best wishes for 2010,
    jan :)

  2. Hi Jan, I just realized you live in Antwerp? We used to visit our family there,have a fabulous Christmas and thank you.Jean!

  3. Hi Jean,
    I don't live in Antwerp but in Balen 70km. from Antwerp.Sometimes I go to visit Antwerp .A very nice city!!!!!!
    Have great holidays,
    jan :)

  4. Hi Jean, thank you for sharing your creation, a fabulous Christmas and a 2010 full of watercolours to share,

  5. I always enjoy your work and these poinsettias are wonderful! Merry Christmas, Jean.:)


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