Thursday, 7 January 2010

Christmas Roses : Second Stage

Christmas Rose First Wash.

The Christmas Rose first wash has tormented me all day until I just had to leave all my other work and  add the next stage. I am enjoying this appearing so much that I decided to stay with the background for a while.

 Christmas Rose Stage 2: Bringing the subject to life.

Technique Information : By not using a preliminary sketch I am  aiming to avoid  a "still" painting. I want my subject to look as though it could move in the breeze. I want the viewer to be drawn into the scene  filling in areas I omit and enjoying the sections I add colour to. Full step by steps including colour information and stages on a  large variety of subjects will be in my book which will be available later this year.

 These interesting flowers hang their heads downwatds so it isn't always easy to see their centres. Covered in snow and bravely  pushing their heads out of the banks og snow drifts a magical painting is beginning to emerge. And several other washes are in my studio so I work on a few at a time. I am working for  exhibitions so my inspiration is from my garden and nature very much  so.

January 2010 Challenge.

For followers participating in this months project you should by now have chosen your subject and had plenty of time to think about it. You should also have chosen your colours. Next we will be playing a guessing game so please be patient while I  share my own shade selection and show you what I would like to you to do next. But you WON'T be painting the subject!


  1. beautiful view point jean .. enjoy watching these appear

  2. Thank you Jane,its the washes that I enjoy painting so much aiming to bring magical life into each one!


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