Sunday, 3 January 2010

Painting With Confidence 2010

" As Artists We Are Only As Good As We Think We Are " 
          Quote by Jean Haines 2010

While teaching I often come across students and artists who have lost faith in their ability to paint. They believe they are "rubbish" with no hope of ever becoming any better than they already are. But we all start somewhere and every single famous artist was a beginner once which is so often forgotten.

Looking for the negatives often blinds our eyes to the beautiful positives!

How often do we look at  one of our own paintings and see the faults in it. It is easy to believe our own critique but negative thinking can hold anyone back. Others will often only see the positives and mention how brilliant a painting is. For example, there could be mistakes seen in the monotone painting above of mountains or others could see interesting patterns created.

It is exactly the same when we look in the mirror.We see all of our faults whilst others just see the beauty in us simply being there. I strongly believe we have the power to be whatever we wish to be.

Learning to focus only on the positives in art and life  really can have amazing effects.

Forget all the negatives and focus on the positives. Allow yourself to shine and  grow as an artist . Enjoy the journey to getting where you want to be. There is a wonderful song with lyrics " It isn't about how fast I get there, it's the climb"  and that is so true. Enjoy that climb and if you ever feel you have reached the top  find new heights to reach for!

Believe in your  own abilities, believe in yourself, believe you can paint and you will.  Far better than you ever imagined you could.

Happy " Climbing "


  1. Jean, What great advice. It is always the journey, which should be appreciated and enjoyed, not necessarily the end. I learnt this lesson a long time ago as my husband, a sculptor, spends months carving into wet clay.... and if it dries out at different rates it is prone to cracking. Then it's two days in the kiln...and this is all before glazing and re-firing. At any stage something done to quickly could have a negative impact on the end. Many a time I have opened the kiln only to find three months of work in pieces at the bottom. As a painter I learnt (from this) to enjoy the process and the outcome will be whatever it is. I find with watercolor painting that for me there is never enough actual physical painting time. It's all bout patience etc. I always have four or more paintings on the go at one allow myself more physical painting time in between washes drying. Good luck with your book.
    Maggie L

  2. Hello Maggie, what a fantastic reply and yes I fully understand the patience and skill required for sculpture.

    I am proof reading my book at the moment in preparation for its release later this year. Thank you for the good luck wishes.

    I too have several paintings on the go at any given time and find it easier to enjoy each subject that way minus the possibility of overworking.Stopping at stages teaches us more than just seeing if a work is finished.

    It is so lovely to meet you albeit online and I look forward to getting to know you more in 2010.


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