Monday, 11 January 2010

See The World: Teleseminar 2010

A while ago I was contacted by a wonderful woman ,Guru Kaur who had come across my features in the SAA, Society for All Artists Paint Magazine. Communication followed and I was invited to be a guest for a teleseminar in 2010.

Last week I was interviewed for Regally Graceful Teleseminars.You can listen to the hour long seminar via the link in this post. It may help you get to know the artist behind these paintings a little better.

Could I suggest you get a cup of coffee or even paint while listening.

Jean Haines, renwoned Watercolour Artist

 See the World

A Regally Graceful Podcast with Jean Haines, renowned watercolour artist, about watercolour painting, the mind of an artist, and seeing (really seeing) the subtle beauty in our lives.


  1. I really enjoyed listening to this Jean...beautiful!

  2. Thank you so much Helen, I have really enjoyed the interview not just for the experience but also for the way it has made me stop and think how I work. It really did help me understand myself a little more but I was very surprised to hear how I sound!


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