Sunday, 7 March 2010

Saturday Workshop: Market Street Gallery

"Oh So Proud"
Original Watercolour by Jean Haines

It feels so wonderful this morning to be able to share a painting that magically came to life on my workshop yesterday knowing it will be seen by others who watched it evolve.  Finding where the eye should be positioned,deciding whether or not the line of the back should be added or not and if it was then what would be the background colour. Questions arose and with simple brushstrokes answers were defined in this result.

It was so much fun and exciting too.

When you work minus a preliminary sketch you have no guidance to easily follow. Each new painting is a unique challenge. Even as the demonstrator you often have wonderful surprises in each demonstration. Orginally a botanical artist I did used to work with a preliminary pencil sketch years ago and found everyone on my classes were almost letting me know which section I would be working on next and how. My work became almost predictable. With this technique quite often even I don't know what is going to happen next so there is a large element of excitement and surprise in every single piece. There is a feeling of magic which is a word often used to describe my sessions. White paper somehow turning into beautiful paintings as the subjects appear in a large variety of ways.

I will add a very small "Hello Bridget" here knowing over coffee a wonderful person will be smiling in surprise!

This time yesterday morning I had prepared for my workshop which was to be held in the Market Street Gallery in Alton and was looking forward to the day. As always it passed far too quickly but throughout the session colours and brushstrokes were definitely the main focus.

I did visit the florist on the way and found gorgeous gerbera in white and pink, primula, tulips,daffodils and the most beautiful white larkspur which was so incredible I just had to paint it during the day.

We started with snowdrops, moved to flowing Autumn berries, jumped back to Spring with primroses. As my daffodils in the exhibition were commented on a daffodil demonstration was asked for so that too was included. Then a labrador and somehow as always a cockerel made its way into the day and this is the guilty  culprit that I have shared above.

Sharing techniques and talking while you work to explain just why you are adding certain brushstrokes,choosing a colour or simply stopping in between stages really does make you think as to how you have evolved as an artist.I  can easily see not only my work has developed. My demonstrations have also over the years. 

I take on board every single comment and piece of feedback and it is amazing how many people visiting a workshop don't really want to stand for hours watching one artist work all day on just one painting from start to end. They want variety, lots of ideas, fun, surprises and eager motivation to pick up their brushes. I do too when I go to sessions and yes I avoid anyone who sends me to sleep!

It was wonderful to see everyone leave with a smile on their face letting me know they had a great day. I did too and I am thrilled to meet bloggers in person and hear how much my blog is enjoyed.

I cannot wait to start the larkspur again!

My workshop didn't only effect everyone who came, it has me racing to paint too!



  1. Sounds fantastic I can't wait for April!

  2. Hello Helen, it was wonderful, I have another workshop on Wednesday at the gallery so I only have to wait a few days!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have checked your workshops' schedule. I looked at the Google map. I start thinking about how strong I wish to attend. Hopefully in one year period the idea will materialise (at a moment looks almost impossible:-))) We'll see.

  4. My mouth is watering Jean!!!!!

    Enjoy Wednesday!


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