Thursday, 8 April 2010

2010 Spring Workshop Day Two


Taking The Lead
Original Watercolour by Jean Haines

It really is a hectic week as every morning I leave for my workshops and  prepare for the day ahead. Yesterday was the second day of my Spring 2010 Watercolours With Life workshop and it was  so wonderful to see faces in the room of artists  who are now firm friends from having met in last years classes and also to meet new artists who have come to me for the first time.

We started the session with negative and positive painting in the morning looking at use of pigment aiming for clean fresh colour that sings as watercolour should. We looked at transparent shades versus opaques and how they interact. Using their qualities and knowledge of each is vital for good results.My favourite word came up time and time again. SIMPLIFY!

Last night we went for a meal together sharing laughter after the days concentration and  it was fabulous  spending time together minus a brush always being in our hands.

Today is the third workshop I am taking this week which is an all day flower session. I decorated the hall last night in advance with  flower arrangements and will still visit the florist on my way to the workshop this morning just in case something magical is there that we all just have to capture with our brushes.There are many wonderful flowers from my cottages also to choose from as subjects.

Following todays class everyone has been invited to a new gallery that is about to open to an exhibition of my work and then it will be another evening meal together in another location. I find I don't eat very much during these weeks because I am so fascinated in what everyone has to say so yes, to  anyone who asked me, my plate is often still full at the end of each meal!

Now a special message to someone who told me they read my blog every single morning and laughingly explained they feel like a stalker. Good morning! I hope you are laughing as much as I am when I typed this line, I have a feeling you are not alone as I am having some lovely comments this week and by email letting me know how much my blog is enjoyed!

........................and I will be back sharing new paintings next week after this workshop period!

Tomorrow I have invited a few artists who have travelled such a long way to see me to a  very small group session so that we can share what they have been up to over the last twelve months and then I need to prepare to take work to London this weekend for my next exhibition there.

Time is flying!



  1. It sounds wonderful, Jean, all of it, and must be very exciting for you as well as your students!Once again, I am astounded by your images! I am trying to find the words for what I feel: you do not paint on top of the paper but pull images from deep down out of the paper. This sentence is very clumsy, but maybe you know what I mean!!!

  2. Good Morning Jean
    I am so fascinated by the way you write... it makes me feel like I am with you ... it is so exciting to follow your update... I am green with envy for those who could actually be there with you ... sharing your art and experience

  3. Good Morning Jean and it is a beautiful bright spring sunshine one here at last. Brilliant,this is exactly what I need a thorough grounding in watercolour techniques as I dont fully understand how the different colours interact and I have been trying but get overworked colours.You all sound as if you are having a great time because of all the effort and energy you have put into these workshops to make this happen, I think this is wonderful, and time does fly when you are having fun,cant wait.

  4. Hello Marie, I know exactly what you mean and thank you so much for such a wonderful comment.Sometimes when I see the outline of my subjects on paper I feel the same way. As though they are jumping off the page towards me and when that happens it is so magical.

    Thank you so much for following my blog. I really wish we could meet in person as you are such a fabulous and positive person,thank you.


  5. Hello Jamila,

    Thank you so much, I really just write straight from my heart without thinking. Words just fall off my fingertips and I often look back and think" Did I really write that! " I truly wish you could have been here but we never know, a tiny seed has ben planted of an idea in a beautiful location so I hope to meet you somehow!

    Thank you for duch a wonderful reply,


  6. Hello Cheryl.

    We did have a fantastic time and now it is a period for me to paint for my own gallery work and exhibitions.

    I am just looking at my June workshops and know you will be here for the next sessions which are only a matter of weeks.Everyone is so disappointed these are over so lets enjoy looking forward to the workshops while we can!

    See you in June!



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