Monday, 26 April 2010

Life : A Work in Progress.

Snowdrops in Spring.
Work in Progress.

I am smiling as I type the above words " Work in Progress". I feel as though my life is just that. A work in progress with so many changes happening along the way and many being really wonderful. 

Over the last few months I have demonstrated so many snowdrop paintings in watercolour and to be fair I thought I was "snowdropped out ". But just when I think I never want to see another snowdrop again I   find I have a yearning to do the unexpected and paint yet another one.  Or even more.

With this magical medium you can never be bored of any given subject and in turn this effects how I live in that I am never bored of any one thing. I see every  moment as a wonderful opportunity to improve not only my painting but also enrich my life.

These snowdrops brought me peace in a busy week. How incredible that we can simply relax by painting something we love.

 Simple Snowdrop painted minus the use of a preliminary sketch,masking fluid or goauche.



  1. Yet another beautiful, fresh, loose painting! Absolutely love it! And your enthusiasm radiates from every post you make!
    I'm curious to know, do you ever do a painting which you don't like and throw away? Or is everyone a success?

  2. They're beautiful! There's nothing wrong with doing them again in my book--each is unique, I'm sure, and just goes to describe the infinite variety we see in life. So delicate.

  3. Hello Sandra, I think every artist sees the flaws in every single one of their own paintings.The viewer will see the sections they love while the one who painted a piece will focus on how each piece could be improved. So I am continually searching for a better way to capture the essence of everything in a beautiful journey which I enjoy every minute of whilst holding a brush. Bear in mind I often warm up in the morning with a few exercise pieces deliberately aimed at the bin,these are quite often what I share on my blog,grow to love and end up keeping or framing!

  4. Hello there Color!

    Thank you for a wonderful reply and yes the more we paint the same subuject the more we see differnces in our results and ways to approach painting them, thats the joy of being artists.


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