Sunday 27 February 2011

Beating The Blues Workshop 2011

Banishing the Blues!

 Beating The Blues

This week I held a workshop called " Beating the Blues". We started the day with dramatic washes and as time passed by gradually a variety of subjects and colours began to flow.

To the wonderful group who were with me on this session you may remember I started a painting of phlox in  blue? Adding vibrant colour and working further has brought this subject to life in a very exciting manner. I will work further with detail in places but this demonstrates clearly how the experiments can really lead to some extraodrinary results.

Next Exciting NewWorkshop?

Don't miss " All Fired Up" in Autumn 2011 where we will  really set the pace with vibrant shades of reds and golds! There will only be one session as I  prefer not to repeat  workshops. This means I then hold really fascinating sessions that are fresh, new and exciting to everyone coming, including me!

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