Sunday 20 February 2011

Raymond Blanc Chichester. Charity Auction

Charity Auction at Brasserie Blanc, Chichester
In Aid  of the Lady Taverners
Hosted by Raymond Blanc
" Beautiful Dawn "
As featured in the Master Class series of the Artist and Illustrators  Magazine
January issue 2011 

To be auctioned at Brasserie Blanc, Chichester this Tuesday.

This week is going to be really full with exciting watercolour workshops all week  and a visit to Chichester to donate another cockerel to raise funds for the Lady Taverners who help very special children.

This event will be held at the Brasserie Blanc in Chichester.  Raymond Blanc  is an incredible personality with a hugely warm heart not o mention his amazing talent as a master chef.  As a Lady Taverner I have been delighted to donate several watercolours  to raise funds at events since 2009  but this is my first charity event of  2011.

When I was approached for one of my pieces I knew immediately which painting I would be donating. I have learned so much about giving over the years . I have also witnesssed  with huge  disappointment how some artists agree to give work away but they often  part with a painting that has been lying around in their studio for a very long time or a piece that hasn't nor is likely to sell. This  form of attitude greatly saddens me.
I am so grateful for my life and for everyone who has supported me in my art career giving me encouragement and guidance whenever I have needed it. Each month something new and wonderful  consistently seems to be heading my way.  From my first book being launched at the Mall Galleries in London last year to my recent filming of a DVD with Townhouse Films this week.  My life as an artist is like an amazing dream.. Then there is the knowledge  that my second book is  developing  so well that I can't wait for it to be published next year. I keep getting requests to show in galleries  and demonstrate worldwide.

I am very fortunate and not a day goes by where I don't  give thanks for my health,happiness,friends and family as well as my passion for  watercolour. 
So how did I know what to choose to give away ?

Last year I was approached by the Artist and Illusrators Magazine for a feature which was published in the January 2011 issue. I was to write  for their Master Class series and chose to look at  watercolour effects  for one of my favourite subjects, a cockerel.  I enjoyed writing the feature so much but the eye of this particular bird really holds a very special magic for me as the artist.  It obviously holds magic for those who have already seen the painting in my studio. So much so that everyone is asking me if I am ever going to sell the piece or not. As an artist I often feel like holding onto favourite paintings but will  let go if I feel the reason for doing so warrants my actions.

And this decision does. 

I can't sell the painting to friends because more than one wishes to buy it. I can't place it in a gallery as more than one gallery wishes to show it. So to donate my favourite painting to raise funds for some very special children , help my favourite charity and have the opportunity to see Raymond again who holds  his own form of magic when he cooks seems a perfect and right thing to do.

The painting at the moment is being framed in a gorgeous gold  moulding with a second inner frame in gold also which looks fantastic. I know how much I hope to raise this week and my fingers will be crossed that from one small action some good will bring  really big smiles to beautiful young faces.

To create happiness via brushstrokes really is so amazing. Doing what I love, for people I love and knowing they will feel loved from this circle  of actions is a terrific way to start my week.


My new DVD shows how I approach painting several  subjects and will be available in the near future.


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