Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sunningdale Art Society Watercolour Workshop 2011

Sunningdale Art Society
Workshop 2011

It really is a very busy month as I have  given workshops to two art societies, held individual themed watercolour days and also hosted the Spring "Painted Escapes" at Four Seasons Hotel in Hampshire. Considering I have also had two private previews of solo exhibitions this month you could say time has flown and I haven't had very much free time to keep my blog up to date!

Yesterday I drove towards Ascot to hold a watercolour workshop for Sunningdale Art Society. I had given a talk to the society last year and was delighted to recieve an invitation to hold a Saturday all day session this year. Finding time at the moment to fit demonstrations in is really difficult as my life has become so full but this is a day I couldn't possbly miss.

I walked into the venue to be greeted by wonderful artists all eagerly looking forward to the session. And what an art society. When it came to the coffee break there were even gorgeous home made cup cakes on a tower complete with pink icing. I felt very spoilt!

First impressions of hydrangea in an early wash.

The day started as always with  warm up exercises and continued throughout with a variety of subjects and demonstrations.We closed before lunch with some wonderful trouble shooting studies as there were some brilliant questions from the group that were wonderful to examine and work on. Such as painting black subjects,eyes with life in them, and many more gorgeous challenges.

Bob if you are reading this I loved your painting of a fish! Karen I hope you continue to feel as excited when you paint at home following your amazing successes yesterday,you were brilliant. Ian I hope your labrador grows in strength and depth,what a fabulous dog to work on!

I painted dogs,flowers,cockerels ( of course! ) lambs and there was one superb nude with amazing skin tones. This magically appeared from one of my mornings exercise washes. In fact I am convinced quite a lot of "magic" occured during the session with surprising results and colour combinations appearing. Yes,there was one of myexpected  rose demonstrations, in very strong colours this time, and it looks lovely this morning!

It does always astound me how quiet everyone becomes while I am demonstrating. I even turned around a few times to check everyone was actually still there and was relieved to see  they were!

Hydrangea for inspiration

We all had an absolutely wonderful day and it was such a sad time when it was the moment to pack up and leave.  A huge thank you to everyone who made me feel so welcome  yesterday. I seriously enjoyed the whole day and I do look forward to seeing you again, and seeing more cup cakes!


Two artists and fellow SWA,Society of Women Artists members who were at yesterdays workshop have gorgeous work and can be found via these links.They are both highly talented, gifted artists with  wonderfully unique styles and interpretations of a variety of subjects. I can also add they are an absolute delight to meet in person too. Please enjoy looking at their  paintings.

Rosemarie De Goede.
Sera Knight


1 comment:

  1. Oh, it is not easy to paint hydrangea,not easy at all.. This painting is screaming "hydrangea!" Great Job!
    thank you for sharing,


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