Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Winning Or Losing?

Old Portrait 
From days when I used preliminary sketches.

 I paint more loosely now so teach portraits minus the use of a pencil! 
I wonder if anyone reading my blog remembers this painting?
It was used as a step by step online for watercolour portraits.

Over the last few weeks I have been with artist freinds who have discussed several issues which are all of value to those who care about their work, reputation and image. Of course the recent  post on my blog regarding copyright was one issue and I still need to reply to a few wonderful emails so please don't think I have forgotten you if you are still waiting for a reply.
Then the subject of artists paying to be included in books came up also. The conversation was connected to competitions in which you pay a submission fee to enter your paintings. The prize is inclusion in a book if your work is selected. I have seen many such books that are absolutely fantastic!  I know some amazing artists who have been included and one who succeeded in not only getting their painting selected but had her brilliant painting placed on the cover. I will never forget seeing that painting as it was so wonderful.  Had I had the chance to judge I would have chosen it too. That painting  has stayed in my mind to this day. It was a snail but not just any snail,it was pure magic in a piece of art!  What a sense of achievement and boost to an artists career of any level.  I don't really see this so much as a competition purely about getting into a book. The competition standards are often very high and it can also be an opportunity to be seen as a talented artist along side many others whom you admire. 

So winning or gaining a place judged purely on your talent really means something wonderful.

What happens though when judging a competition is down to your peers?  With the internet now and how it has grown it is possible for anyone at all  to have thousands of freinds on facebook, many followers on blogs and Twitter as well as belonging to several art web sites. Do contacts really vote on talent or for a friend?  Those who know how to use a computer and work the internet are most likely to succeed with the highest number of votes.So how much of a prize is the final goal actually worth as an indication of talent?

Whatever you are doing,whatever you wish to join in with or achieve make it a dream from your heart and depend on your talent to get you there. Because at the end of the day that is how you will be seen by others. Whether they are friends or other artists. The world is getting smaller as we all communuicate online. 

Most importantly have confidence in your own art and what you alone can achieve.
You may just be surprised so that when your dreams do come true you will deserve all the credit coming your way. Then enjoy it!


I hope this helps answer a few emails I have received this week, now I must get back to writing my book!



  1. These eyes are wonderful.

    Un saludo desde Bilbao.
    Greetings from Bilbao.

  2. I remember this, Jean! It's one of my favorites. Although I really enjoy all of your work, I do wish you did more of these with a preliminary sketch too. By the way, which colors did you use here? It glows!

  3. Thank you both fo rreplying and I am thrilleds you like this one.

    Re sketches,funnily enough I have a new project coming upo that looks at the value of sketching so I will share when the time is right.It really is a huge part of working loose knowing how to have used the pencil years ago and this does effect accuracy of brushstroke and colour placement:)

    At thgis time I often used Yellow Ochre and Alizarin Crimson as a mix. I hope thst helps.



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