September Watercolour Challenge 2011
Everyone is welcome to join in!
I am amazed at how fantastic the shell paintings forwarded to me from my August Watercolour Challenge were and really thrilled it was such a popular subject. Thank you so much to everyone who joined in.
I must admit with so many gorgeous flowers in my garden it would have been very easy to share a photograph of a flower as this months next challenge but I think many artists are already painting them as it is still Summer. So I decided it would be terrific to paint something fun and also give a few hints of what I would be looking for in the paintings that come my way.
Here it is..........the new challenge is.........
My Bearded Collie.
How do you gain expresson in a pet portrait when you can't even see the eyes?
How can you gain a sense of movement in your result?
If you consider Judiths painting of a shell that was my favourite for the August Challenge sections of her painting were left to the imagination, so will you be painting ALL of Baileys face?
You can't see all of him especially his front legs but does this mean you shouldn't add them if you want to?
Well here is the task
1) Think about all the above questions and work out in your mind the answers BEFORE you pick up a brush!
2) Next bear in mind I only want you to paint ONE dog, Bailey on his own but in a way that you think will be different to anyone elses painting as everyone will be working from this one photo!
Good Luck!
I will post my two favourite paintings at the end of the month and I am dying to see what you come up with, by the way I will send the winner a collection of my dog greeting cards, one signed from me as a thank you for joining in.
Have fun!
Please email your paintings to