Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Eagerly Waiting For Tomorrow.

Portrait Demonstration from my book
" How to Paint Colour and Light in Watercolour"

Today has been a day for turning off the computer and working in solitude on my second book which will be released next year. I am finding myself more and more enthralled with the latest chapters and new techniques I am working on and wish to share. Once upon a time I would race to my computer and share every single new idea or way to paint a new subject as soon as I had discovered it. Now I am learning to hold back and keep my latest techniques a complete secret until my newq book is launched in 2012.

I really want everyone to not only love painting in watercolour as I do but feel they are on an adventure themselves into  exploring new approaches to working in a loose style. I am giving absolutely everything I have ever learnt away from tips to techniques given to me over the years from all over the world and more. But I am also learning new fascinating outcomes from my own experiements with watercolour. These I can't wait to give away to be enjoyed.

So if I go quiet or  my emails are few and far between you know why. I am loving what is coming off my keyboard, as in text and my paintbrush, as in paintings for my next book.

I cannot wait to start writing tomorrow!


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