Monday, 29 August 2011

First Signs Of Autumn 2011

Beautiful Berries

Hawthorn Berries in Watercolour
Early stages

There is no better way to paint than when your heart feels light and your mood is happy.This morning we walked through country lanes and the most gorgeous rosehip and hawthorn berries shone in vibrant sunlight. The rich colours were so stunning that I knew I would put everything aside I was supposed to be working today on for my book, galleries and workshops and paint succulent autumn fruits instead. 

As always the very best berries sat on top of the hedgerows so it fell on my fantastic husband to reach high up and pick the branches I wanted for me. I don't know why nature puts the very best fruits out of reach but it seems to happen daily on my walks. The subjects I desserately want to paint are far taller than I am!

With my treasures safely in my hand we made the homeward joruney and I waltzed into my studio looking at the many paintings on display that need to be completed.  Casting all thought sof working seriously I placed a beautiful new blank piece of paper on my easel and  had the most glorious of painting sessions  capturing the light and freedom I felt onm on my shoulders when I first saw their beauty.  This painting of hawthorn berries is amongst the first washes I have enjoyed working on this morning. There are three washes on the go and all are tempting me to leave my computer and work on them! 

So thst exactly what I am going to do!

Please get out in the fresh air and find something that really turns you on to paint. The break will energise your artists soul and when you return to your chosen work you will be amazed at how differently you see it with refreshed eyes!


Watercolour Workshops 2012

I now have dates for my Spring 2012 workshops which look so exciting. I won't share the themes yet but please watch this space for their release , next year will be my best sessions ever as I have so much that is new I will be sharing!  Be warned, if you do come to  my workshops painting in watercolour becomes completely addictive with no subject out of your reach as you will never look at anything in the same way again. 

My programme will include the popular " Beating The Blues " session in February and I honestly can't wait!



  1. would love to take part in your beating the blues session in Feb - do you have a space?
    Sharon Rogers

  2. Hi Sharon,please will you email me at

    I will forward your message to my PR,Christine who takes care of my watercolour workshop bookings. the dates have not been advertised yet but will be very soon:) Thank you so much for your intrest and I hope to see you on a sesion which would be terrific:)



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