Friday, 25 November 2011

Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Christmas seems to have spilled over into my art as everything I paint gets the snow treatment!

Swans dusted with sprinkles of snowflakes,robins sat on icy branches and snowdrops galore. All my paintings at the moment have beautiful hues of blue and textural effects that are really enjoyable to work with.

I really am finding less and less time for my blog but when I do have a minute it seems like heaven to share here!

Two deliveries of collections to gorgeous galleries for their Christmas Shows took place during the week with the first opening tomorrow night.

It is certainly a magical time of year!


  1. des petites étoiles dans les aquarelles parce que vous avez certainement des petites étoiles qui brillent dans les puis la neige ne va pas tarder à tomber...........

  2. Usually everything is red for Christmas. But your blue colours are so beautiful - and new! Love it.


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