Saturday, 31 December 2011

2011 A year in Books and an Amazing DVD

Amazing ways With Watercolour
Still flying off the shelves and being sent all over the world!

2011 has been amazing in many, many ways. I had been approached by Townhouse Films to create a DVD. At first I was hesitant but  loved the filming days and the whole team when we met. Later I was completely stunned to learn that my new DVD, "Amazing Ways With Watercolour" immediately broke all pre sale order records as requests for copies continually came flooding in once the title was publically released. It became a best seller in record time and to this day is still flying all over the world to artists who are not only enjoying watching the  film but continually sending me fabulous messages letting me know why they love it so much. Now I know I was right to make the decision to film and  I have agreed to create a new DVD in 2012!

"How to Paint Colour and Light in Watercolour"
Over ten thousand copies sold and still selling!

But it wasn't only my DVD that did well in 2011. My first book " How To Paint Colour and Light in Watercolour" reached over  ten thousand sales earlier in the year,having gone to reprint it continues to sell yet again to many countries all over the  world.  I was over the moon to receive copies of my first book in Italian  this summer.

How does all this good news make me feel? To be honest I am overwhelmed, feeling small and undeniably stunned. I have always loved painting from the time I escaped as a child through my art to where I wished to be. As an adult I seem determined to aid others achieve their dreams via a brush and reach their own goals whatever they may be.

There is no doubt about it, but  holding a brush and painting something that thrills your soul is the most highest of highs in life. I get this buzz every single time I paint and I have adored trying to capture that  heady emotion in text and paintings throughout every page of my next book which will be available in 2012. It contains so  much information, page after page of  fascinating insights into working what has to be the most magical of mediums.

And I will be signing copies in many locations so please come and meet me and let this small Celtic artist enjoy meeting you too!

Its a Wrap!
Filming my new book is  complete.
The team from Search Press at Roddys Photographic Studio 2011
Juan, Roddy, Gavin, Katie and Me!


Roll on 2012, a new book and a new DVD!


Signed copies of my first book, and my first DVD are available from my web site after January 11th, 2012


*News of how to pre order my new book and new DVD will be released on my blog  soon*

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