Sunday, 4 December 2011

What Is It? December Challenge

What is this going to be?

I am having the most fantastic week . Whilst I am locked away in my studio  today proof reading my new book I have taken a break and painted something just for fun. It made me laugh so much that I just had to share it. Can you guess from the first above image what the painting is going to be?

I realised if I add the next stages of this painting here it could lead to a really fun December Watercolour challenge,raise smiles and hopefully inspire everyone to paint something they might not have expected to paint  in the first place!

I find inspiration to move my brushes in absolutely everything I see. In this new challenge I am going to see just how amazing your imagination is and  what you can paint as a result of my new fun watercolour!

Please share your ideas on what this is  either by emailing me on

Or you can reply on my facebook page or  here on my blog by leaving a comment.

Pop your thinking cap on!


  1. Looks like a nose....lion? Cat? Hmmm....

  2. Looks like a nose....lion? Cat? Hmmm.....on the other hand, could be an acorn....

  3. Looks like a nose...lion, cat? Hmmm. On the other hand, could be an acorn...hmmm...

  4. Sue you must be the only person who hasn't seen anything edible in this first wash!

    Thank you for a fabulous reply!

  5. Not sure why I said it 3 times though! LOL


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