Tuesday, 17 January 2012

David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year Exhibition 2012

 Amost There
From my first book " How to Paint Colour and Light in Watercolour "
Signed copies are now available from my web site

Please can I remind  all my art colleagues and friends that the deadline for submitting to the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year Exhibition 2012 is this week.

If you haven't forwarded your paintings there is still time.

This is the one occasion that you can say thank you to all the wonderful animals and birds that give us as artists so much inspiration for subject matter to paint. Whilst submitting you are helping endangered species and participating in an annual event that has become an established and incredible art event of each year.

You can read  more about why I feel so strongly about helping WAY from last years blog post via this link.

Full details can be found on the David Shepherd web site so don't miss a chance to join in!


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