Saturday, 18 February 2012

Painting For The Bin

Experimental Colour Study used as a foundation for a wallflower experiment.
Demonstration during my 2012 Watercolour Workshops this week.

I often set tasks and challenges during my watercolour sessions. These serve two purposes. Apart from loosening everyone up on my workshops they give me the opportunity to observe how the artists in the room use watercolour.

This week we worked with cool and warm washes,then looked at ways to incorporate subjects into the experiments. On one small colour swatch I began to make a wallflower appear by adding petals on top of the exisiting warm wash.

This took about five to ten minutes and I gained so much from the demonstration. I now have a million ideas in my head for future paintings of these stunningly vibrant flowers. All from playing with colour for a few minutes at the start of the day.

Winsor&Newton Cadmium Yellow and Cadmium Orange worked well on top of the soft wash as the opaques gave me the depth  I needed for these strong petal shapes and clusters.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jean,

    Glorious, vibrant painting! Amazing colors and a great idea to get oneself going. Thanks so much for sharing ideas and why you use those colors. It is such a great help to us beginners.

    Happy Painting!


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