Thursday, 23 February 2012

Pause For Thought

I received a wonderful email today which I just had to share. 
My day is full and I shouldn't be online but this gave me food for thought which 
I knew would be perfect as a blog post.
Thank you Sharon for this wonderful message and taking the time to share it.
To Jean
  "I heard this on the radio today and immediately thought of you.
 It was a pause for thought on types of people and he ( the speaker) 
said that there were three types of people:
 Adders, Subtractors  and Multipliers. 
1) Adders made one feel positive and good about oneself; 
2) Subtractors have a negative effect. 
Making one feel a little less about oneself than before 
without actually being personally negative.
3 Multipliers not only made one feel anything was possible, 
but made one able to recreate that effect in others 
and so multiply positive events. 
I immediately thought of you, because you are a Multiplier."
Thank you Sharon!
What a terrific way to start my day and what a lovely compliment. 
I would be happy to be seen as an adder but to "multiply positivity" is a fantastic way to be seen!

I do try to  pass strength,enthusiasm confidence  to everyone who attends my workshops.
Belief that anything is achievable and I strongly encourage positive thinking.
Followed closely by kindness at all times.
Negativity kills the soul and is contagious. 
Unfortunately there are quite a few subtractors in life.
I agree with Sharon,
Bless All Multipliers and the radio presenter who shared their views!


On that note I will close as it is time to multiply my watercolours.




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