Friday, 3 February 2012

USA Watercolour Workshops: October 2012

I am delighted to be visiting  USA in Fall this  year following the launch of my new book "Atmospheric Watercolours". I have received so many emails asking me where I will be and when which is so wonderful. I can't thank you enough for your interest in my techniques and style.

I will be holding two day watercolour workshops in New York and Texas in October 2012 and I can't wait!  As places are already being booked  please contact the following societies as early as possible should you wish for further information and would like to meet me whilst I am there. 


Art League of Long Island
New York

I will be holding a weekend workshop at the Art League of Long Island and will be a guest speaker for their Art After Dark event the Friday before my sessions commences.  I will be demonstrating and happy to sign copies of my new book during this preliminary evening and my workshops.

Full details can be found on Art League of Long Island web site. Bookings can only be made via the Society. Please contact Joanne Nielsen  via this email if you are interested.

FA L L 2 0 1 2

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Wa t e r c o l o r i s t & A u t h o r
J e a n H a i n e s
W e e k e n d Wa t e r c o l o r
W o r k s h o p # M C - 1 4
O c t o b e r 2 7 & 2 8 , 2 0 1 2
1 0 : 0 0 a m – 4 : 0 0 p m
$ 3 2 5


 West Texas Watercolour Society

 I am thrilled to be holding watercolour workshops at the West Texas Watercolour Society. Two, two day workshops will take place with a welcome evening before they commence to enable artists attending to meet and enjoy an opening demonstration.

Two, 2 day  workshops, Oct. 15 &16th and Oct. 18 & 19th with demos the day before.
Places are strictly limited so please contact Karla Bennett on the following email if you are interested in attending a session.


Whilst my 2012 workshops are fully booked in UK, I will be demonstrating at several art events throughout the year so please follow my blog  and web site for updates on my activties. I am really sorry that the waiting lists for this years  sessions have had to be closed due to their popularity but please send me an email if you would like to  recieve advanced notification for my 2013 programme.


Australia 2013
I am delighted to share the news that I have been invited to hold exciting workshops in Australia in 2013 so will be sharing news on the dates and how to book later in the year.


To everyone already booked on my USA workshops, I cannot wait to meet you in person and October can't come fast enough!



  1. So sorry you are not coming to California.

  2. I wish I could come to California on this trip but plans are now being made for 2013 now,maybe you could email me on


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