Thursday, 24 May 2012

My new book aids diets?

I have just read a wonderful post on facebook by artist Judith Farnworth who describes how she couldn't put her copy of my book down even though it was time to cook the family meal! It was fantastic to read such glowing comments by Juidth who is an ardent watercolour fan full of enthusiasm and a thirst for something new.

Thank you Judith for making my day.

I have been dying to read the first comments about my book and yours were wonderful!


  1. Thank you for the lovely mention Jean..... hope you've got lots of stock lol, have posted my blog everywhere I can think of..... only small fry I know but every little helps!!!

  2. Hi Judith I am truly hoping stocks sell out, my birthday is soon and that would be the best present ever! Your review is fabulous!


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