Monday, 30 July 2012

Adding Strength to a Watercolour

Building up a painting of Athletes.
Nearest shoulder is now added and bolder colour in places.
Work in Progress

 I shared a study of an athlete on my blog recently. This study of a new subject has tempted me as an artist to continue with just a few touches of colour to the main figure who will be the focal point.  I am aiming for a sense  of movement but my reaction to this character to be fascinated by her  strength and  stamina. So I have opted to add bold colour for detail.

While painting her I couldn't help but think of all the long hours of practise to get to her level of expertise. Not disimilar to an artists journey because hardly anyone just picks up a brush and paints!

This is the original painting I shared a few days ago. Much softer and sections of this study I quite enjoy so the main painting will be a combination of both.

I find I learn far more by not worrying, simply painting these small pieces as experimental exercises. And this really is fun!


1 comment:

  1. I lov ethe sense of movement in this, fantastic! Have a great day!


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