Thursday, 27 September 2012

Chandlers Ford Art Group Demonstration 2012

Hawthorn Wash
Demonstration for Chandlers Ford Art Group 2012

Last night I drove to Chandlers Ford as the guest artist to demonstrate for Chandlers Ford Art Group. It was a wet evening after heavy rain all day so my expectations of the number of members turning up wasn't high. The hall was soon full though and the atmosphere was incredible. I would highly recommend getting in touch with this art group if you live in the area because the warm welcome you will receive is well worth it. And on top of the welcome, add incredible enthusiasm about art which is exactly what you need in any brilliant art society.

The evening  was opened with art group announcements followed by an award presentation for the annual exhibition. I was asked to judge the monthly themed small exhibit of members work and chose a beautiful watercolour which was full of exquisite detail depicting autumn treasure of rosehips and chestnuts set against a colourful background.

I started my demonstration with contrasting washes to show how I use watercolour and talked about my favourite shades. They are changing a lot over the years so my next workshops are going to be even more vibrant! As it is Autumn I worked on a country scene until the break during which I had time to answer questions and meet the members. All I can say at this point is that enthusiasm runs high amongst these fantastic artists!

I continued with a figure demonstration and a more detailed composition showing directional brushwork and colour placement leading to the close of the evening which ran over a little. Even then some members seemed reluctant to leave the venue. It was a terrific night and this morning I will be needing to order more books because I sold out yet again last night and my cards are disappearing quickly too.

Thank you so much to Chandlers Ford Art Group for the invitation to demonstrate and thank you to everyone who came and who may now be reading my blog!


Art Society Demonstrations 2013

I have been contacted by various art societies requesting demonstrations and workshops next year. My diary is already heavily committed but I will still keep  contacts as I will plan ahead to 2014.

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