Saturday, 17 November 2012

Artists United : Robin Step by Step

Robin in Watercolour
Step by Step in aid of Cancer Charities
I know I have blog readers from all over the world so how about you choose the cancer charity of your choice if you follow this step by step.

Here is mine.

Step by Step Robin in Watercolour. 

To take part in this step by step you need to feel happy about painting because you are aiming at helping others. 

Step 1. Choose a cancer charity of your choice before you pick up a brush please! 

Step 2.  Materials
You will need white paper, at least 140lbs in weight.
Watercolours : Alizarin Crimson ,Cerulean Blue,Cadmium Orange, Burnt Umber, Winsor Violet and French Ultrmarine Blue
Palette to put these colours on
A size 10 watercolour brush ( sable like mine is best)
A water pot full of clean fresh water.

Lets' go! 

Step 3. Share this blog post on Twitter, Facebook and your blog and get everyone you know painting robins for C , remembering that the letter C isn't just for Christmas!

C you in my next blog post! 

I will try to share my favourite robins painted by you on my blog so please join in and let me know what charity you are helping and why with this idea!

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