Saturday, 3 November 2012

BBC TV : South Today Interview

New York after Hurricane Sandy hit last week

I will be sharing news of my book signing and watercolour workshop tour of USA soon but at the moment I am still recovering from the anxiety of trying to fly home last week after we were stranded by Hurricane Sandy. I feel nauseous due to the stress and more than that, I feel so guilty for enjoying wonderful sunshine, a peaceful home and beautiful surroundings when so many people hit by  Sandy are still without power,cold and suffering due to the impact of this  historical storm.

Yesterday I was interviewed by the BBC and today will be on "South Today" at lunchtime and this evening news. It felt unreal as my husband had just collected our pets from where they had been staying during our trip. Bailey was so happy to be home but nervous of the TV camera in my studio where the interview took place. Biscuit,one of our cats meowed loudly during the whole of the filming.When she was gently shushed out of the way, by the interviewer, she made her presence known by pushing a box on the floor around with her paw. Finally Bailey got over his nerves of the camera and made his way to my side but still looked warily at the intruder in my art room.

The animal antics distracted me at times and I was relieved because inside I have been feeling sick. Maybe it is a collection of the anxiety from the last few days but watching the USA news constantly while I was in NY,sitting and talking to strangers whose lives have been so badly affected and hearing all kinds of  traumatic stories has taken its toll. I don't feel like "me" at the moment.

This time last week I was taking my first watercolour workshop in New York. I met wonderful people and over the next two days  totally fell in love with them and I will be going back next year. But in a twenty four hour period the atmosphere changed and I doubt if anyone will ever forget that time. Witnessing the colour drain out of Manhattan.

I will share happier news on my blog really soon but this week has hit me for six and it will take a little time to bounce back. Especially when so many are still suffering.


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