Friday, 23 November 2012

Spreading Joy :Step by Step Christmas 2012

 My Christmas "What is it?"

Last Christmas I had so much fun on my blog with a  "What Is It?" challenge. I must admit the answers coming in for the first stage were hysterical so as I have decided to paint another  watercolour of the same subject.  I thought I would share the stages on my blog because I can't stop laughing at this stupid reindeer!  The story behind the paintings stems from a selection of cute reindeer decorations at a gallery who represent me in Hampshire.  Jan the owner knows I buy a new reindeer each year and I can't resist painting each new model.

Stage 1. I started with the round head,bulbous eyes and then a santa hat leaving white paper for the  furry part above the eyes. See first image, above.

 Stage 2. I added the antlers at each side of the head.

Adding the antlers to the very "bored" reindeer!

Stage 3. He needs a body and the model is rather tubby! I started with his red and white scarf . Then worked colour around the white fur on his hat and the bobble at the end of the point.  I have painted a soft fuzzy body leaving a red  round shape which was to be a button originally.

"All I want for Christmas "
My snooty reindeer is appearing. He looks as though he would only shop at Harrods. 
"Hark The Harrod  Reindeer sings "

How many Christmas Carols can you fit into one blog post?!

I showed the gallery my painting at this stage by email and loved hearing Jan laugh.She  recognised the reindeer immediately.

Stage 4 With a few simple touches I can make my reindeer sing! I have added facial features following the face on the Christmas toy. The Christmas tree was from my imagination. Cute isn't it and within a few minutes I have laughed non stop, made a friend laugh and hopefully made you laugh too.

"The First Noel"

Life shouldn't always be serious and neither does art have to be. There are times when its' great to let your hair down and have a laugh with your brushes.  I just did.

So when you are looking at your Christmas decorations this year pick one to paint and have fun with it. Share that  happy feeling with others around you and spread joy via your art. Its a pretty wonderfulworld when you do.

Happy painting!

1 comment:

  1. funny and charming. thanks for sharing, Jean.


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