Thursday, 17 January 2013

Step by Step Primroses : Stage 2. Flower Centres

Primrose Flower Centres

Painting Primroses Step By Step 

I love this next stage! Once your first wash is dry, for painting primroses,  you can add a few flower centre details. Please don't get carried away. Just a few is all you need.

1) Centre Detail.  I work with the rigger from my personalised brush sets which are available from my web site. It is a sable, flows well, loads with colour and is easy to direct fine lines with. Working with the tip of the fine rigger brush paint five small lines radiating in a circle around the centre of where you think your primroses could be. use your imagination and be creative. I start by painting with a loaded brush of strong colour and keep working with it on  one centre after the other until my brush has little colour on it. This gives me a variety of depth in my brushstrokes. Notice how the centre  colours are so much softer on some  flowers above? This effect is achieved purely by not reloading your brush with colour. So all your primroses will look slightly different. A very clever tip!

2) Joining the fine lines to make a central colour is next. So now load your brush with water and drop a little in the centre of the five small lines while they are still wet. The water draws the orange colour into a puddle in the middle of each flower. As it dries this will give you a gorgeous varied effect without you having to do anything at all. Other than perhaps get a cup of coffee before the next stage which is adding the negative outline of the flowers.

Its' easy so far isn't it?

You can watch a trailer of my DVD to see how I apply colour on my web site at the online shop. Look for the DVD section, here is where you will also find my personalised brushes for sale.

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