Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Life in Spain

My neighbours in Spain.

At the beginning of each year I try to take at least one month out to work on  project planning for the months ahead. The idea is also that I have quiet time to paint and work on my new watercolour collections, recharge my batteries and find new inspiration. Which, at the moment, are the wonderful sheep next door to my villa in Spain. Their lambs play in the sunshine making me smile while the brass bells on collars worn around the mothers necks play music as they move around the pastures looking for  the best grazing areas.

Each year my life seems to become even more exciting than the last. Every time I feel I am settled and know exactly where I am headed and what I wish to achieve a new goals faces me. So I am really pleased to have some time to sit back and think about what I want from my art career and my own art. I have been inundated with requests for places on my UK workshops which have been fully booked from almost the minute they were advertised. The problem is unless I have quality time to paint myself, I would have nothing new to give on my workshop sessions and I do love each year for  them to be even better than the year before. I love that artists attending are reaching their gaols  too and growing in their art journeys.

But for now my gallery work is my priority. I have been contacted by wonderful galleries recently, asking to showcase my watercolours and as soon as I am home from Spain I will be replying to the many emails that have come my way with some wonderful invitations.

For now I have sunshine,blissful sounds of the sheep in the field next door and mountain views that I could only dream of , right here on my door step. From each window I see a slice of heaven and  I am going to make the most of every minute!

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