Saturday, 2 March 2013

Bearded Collies in Watercolour

"We Three"
Bearded Collies

Because I  have been lucky enough to be owned by and fallen in love with the Bearded Collie breed they will always be one of my favourite subjects to paint. And my collection of paintings over the years has grown.  One of the most popular original collections have been my rows of Beardies, painted from days walking groups of these wonderful dogs  together.

I am constantly asked for more cards and for more  originals of this particular composition so will be releasing some new work  this year. If you are a Bearded Collie lover and to the many people who have emailed me about this collection, I will be in touch as soon as I can about  my new work.

They are wonderful dogs. And so much fun to be owned by!

1 comment:

  1. Glorious! I wish I could paint my mix of Jack Russell and Terrier (we think) as beautifully as you paint your bearded collies.


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