Monday, 11 March 2013

Watercolour Demonstrations 2013

Owls on my easel for upcoming exhibitions this year.

With a full year ahead and my workshops starting in UK next month, I am making the most of my quiet time painting in my studio before I start travelling and showing this year.

My UK workshops were fully booked  for 2013 almost as soon as the dates were released last year. And the list is already growing for places in 2014. My Australian workshops in Brisbane are fully booked but at this time in typing I still have a few places available in New York and Texas. A new date has also been added in Dallas but that workshop has also filled really quickly so may not be advertised. I will be promoting my workshops in Mexico which take place in November shortly.

It is really exciting meeting artists from all over the world. I am so passionate about working in watercolour that to be able to share in person is a fantastic feeling. But  I always feel I should apologise for not having any places on my workshops each year but I will be demonstrating at the Wey Gallery in Godalming during my solo exhibition.

The best news is that I will be at Patchings this year for the whole of the 2013 Art Festival.  And I will have original work with me so please check on the Patchings web site if you would like to watch me paint, and please say hello if you  attend. I loved it there last year, so much so , that I enthusiastically agreed when I was invited back this year. Not just for one day but for the whole event!


Artist tip for the day: If you have fallen in love with a subject do paint it over and over again until you really know it well. But with each new painting find a way to create something completely unique. Never paint the same thing in exactly the same way if you don't wish to become bored with your work! 

This is a hobby or career that will last you a lifetime if you stay passionate about it.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, breathtaking! I always say you never stop to amaze us. Congratulations your "Kingfisher" are amazing! Grace


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