Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Pansies and Blog Posts

Pansy Experimental Wash

Sometimes when I am painting "things just seem to happen"! Maybe its' because I have been working in watercolour for so long. Or right now maybe its because I am so passionate about the flowers that are blossoming in my garden. I feel so happy experimenting while I create. I know exactly what I can achieve so I consistently push myself to discover other ways to gain more interesting results when painting familiar subjects.

As the sun is shining I started my day with some gentle gardening. I say gentle because I am still recovering from a broken ankle and standing for too long  is uncomfortable. I love the saying "Where there is a will theres' a way". I have magically found a way to manoeuvre myself around the flower beds in our cottage garden. Leaning on the wheel barrow when necessary and using long handled gardening tools because I can't kneel easily to weed. Most importantly I haven't given up. My life is just a little more interesting right now as I can't just walk to where I want to or work how I would wish.

The positive outcome is that I am bringing these elements and thought processes into my paintings. If I try a new subject I work out a way to get to a pleasant result even if my first attempt wasn't quite what I was aiming for. In my minds eye I see a finished painting and I want to get to that image via my imagination somehow. I have a few experimental washes of a gorgeous purple pansy whose petals seem like soft velvet. I have painted these flowers so many times over the years but I am bored of just working them to life with my brush,pigment and water. So this morning out came the cling film to create leaves and petal patterns. I am already getting excited as to other compositions I can create for the same flower, one which had accidentally fallen off the main clump  in a planter while I weeded.

Life is full of happy accidents.  So are watercolours!  Okay so breaking my ankle probably wasn't the best of accidents but it has taught me so much. Its taught me how much patience I have because I am taking my time, doing everything correctly while it heals. Just like painting, taking your time doing every stage correctly is worth it in the long run.

I have been enjoying the summer months so much that I have been in the garden whenever possible painting or working on my next book. Which has meant my blog has fallen quiet. Thank you so much to everyone who has sent emails asking if I am alright, wishing me a speedy recovery and for letting me know that you find my blog inspirational. I will keep sharing and I will be moving on from flowers when the muse moves me in another direction!

Artists Tip for the day: If you are painting a familiar subject take a few minutes before yu pick up your brush to think about options for painting new compositions. Try not to be repetitive in your work and continually push yourself to discover new ways to achieve unique results!

1 comment:

  1. I found such beautiful work on your blog! Bravo and thanks for sharing it all.


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