Friday, 10 January 2014

Sunshine Inspiration : Primroses in Watercolour 2014

Cluster of woodland primroses developing in a new watercolour

I woke this morning to clear Cerulean blue skies and gorgeous sunshine. Its' amazing how just looking at beautiful weather can not only lift the spirits but it also makes the whole world seem like a far better place.

I had shared primrose paintings on my blog yesterday and they were still on my mind this morning. The Cerulean sky this morning gave me the idea of a delightful soft backdrop for a new painting of primroses which I started this afternoon.  I have been ignoring this particular shade on my palette recently but I am finding it perfect for mixing Spring "greens".

The first wash laid as a foundation was in Cerulean Blue and Perylene Maroon leaving a space in the centre of the paper for my flowers. I used my big wash brush for this part which I find so relaxing! Next I formed individual flower edges with my gorgeous size 10 sable brush which is perfect for this style and subject.

Finally I used my rigger brush for the fine detail around the edge of some petals. The painting still needs a little more definition to make it hold the "wow " factor but its' almost there!

Close up of petal edge detail

 Full details on how to purchase my brushes from my web site can be found via this link

I demonstrate washes for primroses in my first DVD "Amazing Ways With Watercolour" which is also available from my web site.

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