Saturday, 19 April 2014

April 2014 : Publishers, Workshops and Exhibitions.

Cockerel Demonstration
Watercolour Workshops 2014

I have had an amazing month. I haven't been online very much on my blog and I think it may be even harder for me to get online for the next few weeks also. 

A quick look back over the last few weeks !

My solo exhibition "Watermark" opened at the Frame Gallery in Odiham and runs until 25th April. There is still time to see the show although some paintings have happily left for their new homes.

I had a  very exciting meeting with my publisher last Monday to dicuss my new book which will be  launched in June 2015.  I  couldn't wait to show  the editorial team viisting my studio my latest work and ideas for chapters. Seeing their  faces  showing obvious surprise and delight was well worth the secrecy. I was thrilled to be offered yet another book in the future on an idea that has unwittingly leapt from this one. A project that can sit in the background until I have time to think about it further. Why the long wait for this next book? It takes time to compile information, paintings and plan the professional photography "step by step" filming sessions. What most people  do not realise is that there is often a six month wait for the finished  product to come back from the printers. For now I can hold this new " baby" in my arms as a loose folder of  work and look forward to the day it is completed for all to share. I can't wait until summer next year but I still have sections to write as it is not ready yet!

 Quietly, new work has been delivered to the Wey Gallery in Godalming and they are over the moon with my new horse racing scenes. You can read more about the pieces via this link

The last two weeks have been incredibly busy as I have been teaching watercolour on my popular workshops in Hampshire UK.  I have met the greatest of people each day and been  overwhelmed by how far people are travelling to attend. Apart from the two artists who drove down from Scotland I had artists from Australia, France, USA and Ireland in the recent groups.  Considering we have had artists from Iceland, Norway, Vietnam, Thailand, Canada , Portugal and Italy in the past these sessions are really becoming an international event each year.

So whats' next for me?

I leave for Italy next week to teach at Arte Umbria and then I will be travelling to Florence. The minute I return home I will be heading for my publishers for the photography sessions of the step by step demonstrations in my new book. I am trying desperately to keep everyone happy soI  will include as many subjects as I can along with many, many new tips and colour suggestions.

Following that I will be looking forward to demonstrating in St Cuthbert Mill Marquee at Patchings. I will  be there on Thursday, Friday and Saturday so please come and see me and say Hi!

My tour of Australia takes place in Autumn this year with fully booked sessions in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Tasmania so for the whole of 2014 I am going to be very active and enjoying my painting life to the full.

If my blog goes a little quiet please bear with me but I will make up for the quiet periods as often as I can!

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