Saturday, 28 June 2014

Positive Thinking

 Stocks in Watercolour
Light and dark versions

Motto of the Day : You are only going to get better as an artist if you keep trying.

Ever since I was little I think I always knew that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. In fact my passion was so obvious that on two occasions art teachers and lecturers visited my parents to beg them to allow me to study art. But my father was convinced there would be no future in an art career and headed me off in a completely different direction. I then married and became a Mum.  I loved this time in my life and I adore my family.  My husband  is a wonderful man and our lives changed as we travelled all over the world with his career. 

My art was always put on hold until the right time. And now I am meeting many people on my workshops from all over the world who have also had to do just that. There has always been something that has got in the way of their finding time to paint. Something more important like career, family, illness,circumstances. But when the time is right it is wonderful.

Even though I have been painting for a long time I still never take for granted the luxury of being able to create when I want to. We honestly never know what our tomorrows may bring. Our eye sight could deteriorate. We could use the strength in our hands. I was told with age comes wisdom. Maybe I am finally realising that every day truly is a blessing and we should make the most of it. I pack so much into my  weeks from writing, sharing my passion for watercolour online, teaching and exhibiting.

My life is rich because I enjoy it and I always think positively.  

I believe in the words " I can "

But there is no better time to paint than today. When  inspiration hits you. Painting just one small image will lead you to wanting to paint even more.

So if you want to be an artist, or simply want to enjoy painting don't put it off. Paint today, paint now and love every moment you move your brushes.

I will be working on my new book today but my warm up exercises have been painting stocks and revisiting an old painting that filled me with joy last year.

Have fun and paint!

 And Dad, if you are watching me from heaven I just want you to know you were wrong!

  Rainbow Garden

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