Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Adding Definition : Primroses in Watercolour

Detail added to yesterdays primrose painting

I am often amazed at how we wish our lives away. We long for Summer the minute Spring has arrived, yet we long for Spring during the Winter months. We are always looking ahead instead of savouring every minute in the here and now.

I find it is the same in my workshops when  some artists are working on a glorious painting that is going really well and they race to finish it, rather than savouring every single  gorgeous brushstroke.

I am never in a race with life or my work although I confess when each painting day comes to a close I can't wait for the next one. But that is a positive way to close each day. On a high and happily looking forward to repeating my joy in creating.

Last night I could easily have completed the above primrose painting as the flowers had no centres when I put my brushes down yesterday. But leaving this painting on my easel in its' unfinished state gave me something to look forward to. With fresh eyes this morning and new energy I am able to see what to add in the way of definition without the risk of overworking my piece.

Is it finished? I like it as it is but could work further in the background area. However adding further could lose the freshness in this Spring watercolour. When working loose there is always the risk of not having enough detail or adding far too much. As I am now at the crossroads  in decision making I will leave this lovely floral painting on my easel for now, and work on the second primrose composition I have on the go. Then compare the two.

Artist tip for the day?

1) Don't race your work. Enjoy every brush stroke rather than  hurtling towards the destination of a finished painting, which could be full of missed choices and opportunities simply because you raced the creative process.

2) Stand back and look at your work  before adding detail. Let the unfinished painting guide your next move by it telling you what it needs.

3) Place a mount around your work and study where and what colour may add life or detract from your result so far.

But most importantly.

Enjoy painting!


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