Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Seattle : Daniel Smith March 2016

Seattle Watercolour Workshops
Hosted by Daniel Smith
March 2016

I am thrilled to share the news that I will be returning to Seattle In March 2016 where Daniel Smith will be hosting my USA Spring workshops. I say thrilled because this is such a fantastic location. In store, so that artists can buy any colours  they wish to just like being a child in a candy store. Me included!

I cannot talk highly enough of my time teaching with Daniel Smith this year so I am over the moon to be invited back. I will also be giving an instore demonstration and talk at a book signing event.

My 2015 workshops sold out very quickly and I have to admit, one out of the three 2016 workshops has already sold out before I even had a chance to announce my return.

For full details if you wish to attend please contact me on 

On another note, it appears my 2016 workshops in Vancouver may now not be going ahead as there was a problem with the venue. As soon as I hear anything I will let you know. If anyone has any contacts in Vancouver who could host workshops please do get in touch with me as it isn't too late to arrange the sessions.

Roll on 2016!

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