Thursday 16 July 2015

Vancouver Excitement! 2016

"When Feathers Fly"
New cockerel painting

It has been far too long since I created a new rooster! Everyone who has attended my workshops or demonstrations this year will know I have been experimenting with a new brush and colour technique. I used it on this piece and I am delighted to say it works fantastically. My old Asian trick is brilliant. So it isn't just French Ultramarine and Indigo it works for after all!

How wonderful it was this morning to wake and open emails from excited artists all eager to book a place on my first workshops in Vancouver BC !

I am thrilled with the response and even more over the moon by reading the messages  showing obvious enthusiasm to attend. If you are interested in a place please contact me urgently as I feel the courses will book there very quickly and places are limited. Why? Because I like to keep my workshops small enough in number that I can give personal one on one attention to each artist ensuring they have personal time with me. In larger groups I find artists can not only often not see the artist demonstrating or hear them. But they get very little time with the teaching artist on a personal basis. On this note I love how everyone comments that I stay with my classes for the whole workshop duration. I do work hard but that is the point of sharing your passion for painting. I don't disappear or paint by myself. I am with you 100% of the time. And I love  it!

 I have had  some incredible new invitations to USA recently that I will try to fit in on future tours but please contact me now if your Art Society is interested in hosting an event. Often my courses are arranged well in advance of them taking place and recent bookings have taken me up to 2018.

Have a great day. Strut your stuff with that paintbrush and whatever you are doing have fun and smile!

Thank you to everyone who has already contacted me for a place in Vancouver. Booking only opened officially this morning so hopefully you will all have a place!

For contact details for my Vancouver workshops please email me on as soon as possible.



  1. I was going to say you're so lucky to be able to go to so many wonderful places and countries, but it's not really luck, it's more a case of hard work, a brilliant talent and a genuine desire to share your talent with as many as possible.
    I may not be an artist but I can appreciate talent, dedication and hard work when I see it. Xx

  2. What a gorgeous rooster! Have fun with the workshops!


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