I know my blog has fallen quiet yet again but there is so much going on that I simply haven't had time to spare to write here and update posts.
I leave for USA this week coming, beginning my tour of USA starting in California and ending in New York. Places were booked at least twelve months ago for this trip and behind the scenes I am working on 2016 USA locations, with most of the courses next year already fully booked also. At this time of writing Seattle, Vancouver and Oregon in March are full and the courses in Dallas and California next Autumn have just opened for booking. I have also accepted invitations from Arizona and Utah for 2017 and 2018.
My 2016 UK workshop dates went out finally this week so everyone on my email contact list should have now received information regarding next years courses. Confirmation of bookings will take place hopefully next week. So if you haven't heard anything yet please bear with Christine who handles this side of my administration as I know she was overwhelmed with requests for places and it isn't an easy task replying to everyone.But she will, so please be patient if you have yet to receive a reply.
Contact me now on if you havent received UK workshop details please.
I have shut myself away in my studio recently because I am working on my next book and came to a point where I couldn't surface for air. It absorbed my every waking moment and I can honestly say it is very different to anything I have ever written before but I feel it needed to be. I have shared as much as I can on tips giving away everything I have been told over the years or have learnt from masters I admire. Every single piece of advise I have been given is now shared in my previous three books. So it is time for me to move on to something completely new and this next book has been a dream to work on. Lifting my spirits in ways I cannot describe. It is almost complete and when Ed, the editor on the team at my publishers arrives at his office tomorrow morning he will get a surprise as my final chapters will be waiting for him in email form. And from what he has already told me, he is thrilled with this new exciting publication that will not be released until next year.
My new DVD is about to be released and I haven't even seen it yet! A copy came in the post yesterday so there is a strong possibility you may see it before I do. A frightening thought but that is how this film worked out.
I remember some time ago a well known professional artist telling me that if I had time to write regularly on my blog I wasn't working hard enough on my own art or career. I finally think I know what they mean. I don't have time to post on Facebook regularly and when I do I feel awful because I don't have time to leave a comment in reply to those who post to me or have time to leave comments on my friends or followers pages. Which tears me in two. Sometimes I think the only way to be fair is to not post at all. But from messages I get by email I know my blog posts are loved and so are my Facebook posts.
So I will keep sharing but please bear with me when I go quiet.Like now!
I will be away now for a few weeks, and I am eager to meet everyone in USA.
And it isn't long before I leave.
But for now, have a wonderful time painting. Always find ways to be inspired and share the happy feeling you gain when you paint!
Happy Painting!
You will tire yourself completely if you insist on meeting everyone in the USA, just stick to those on your workshops! Pace yourself girl, but have a good time! XX