Tuesday, 15 September 2015

UK Watercolour Workshops 2016

UK Watercolour Workshops 2016

Usually at this time of year there is great excitement as the email contacts on my workshop list receive details of the exciting programme for the year ahead.  This year that has not happened as I have been so busy it has been impossible to organise the programme at the usual time of year.

So please do NOT panic if you still haven't heard any news about next years programme.

In truth I wanted to make next years events  really special and I am going to find it very hard to explain why. But the artists who attend each years workshops at my Hampshire location in UK have become so dear to me  in a way that each course, each event becomes so highly charged with enthusiastic emotion and I needed to take time out to think about what I wanted to achieve for them in 2016.

I am reading fabulous emails from artists reaching their goals from attending my courses no matter how big or small those goals are. That to me is what teaching workshops is all about. What happens when artists leave your sessions. And now all these artists wish to return next year and new contacts who have never been to me before wish to attend at least one of my courses for the first time too. The contact list has grown and so have the requests for two day workshops which I have especially allowed for next year.

But I want time for me to paint too. To disciver new ideas to bring to my courses.  And I also want to only hold watercolour workshops that are fantastic. Not repetitive or boring as that would kill me artistically.

And so after much thought and planning next years programme is almost set to go. Not quite, as the payment details have changed and this is also adding to the set back and delay in releasing dates.

What I will ask is that everyone, if you have not already done so please email me  right now so your name can be added to my workshop contact list. You do NOT need to contact me if you have already done so. I am just requesting for newcomers wishing to get a foot in the door now is the time to have your name added to my contact list as I do not advertise my workshops, I simply take bookings from those who have contacted me for information. And my courses sell out almost as soon as the information is released.

I am sadly quickly gaining a reputation as one of the hardest artists to get on a workshop with. But I can't take any more workshops than I do otherwise I would have nothing new to offer. And I refuse to consistently teach the same thing over and over because that way, I find,is not how to grow and keep enthusiastic in your work. As I wish to be.

So please bear with me while you wait for workshop news.

Please book as soon as you receive information.

And please contact me on jeanhaines@hotmail.com if you wish to be on my workshop list!


On a final note I am so envious because I would love to be on any one of next years courses because they are all so exciting. Far too good to be teaching when you could be in the room painting !!!

I would say this is going to be my very best workshop year ever!

So do get on a course as quickly as you can!


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait Jean, I am SOOO Excited!!! I am glad I will be taking your workshop next year and I hope to be taking them in the future, you are fabulous! Thank you for all your hard work, I know everyone that follows you, loves you and your work :)


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