Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Christmas Roses in Watercolour 2015

 First Wash of Christmas Roses bursting into life in watercolour

It is so good to be home and not travelling. I have adored meeting everyone on my workshop tour in USA but there comes a point when you are teaching that you begin to feel really envious of everyone in the class, as they can focus on painting whilst you are guiding and there for that sole purpose. I give my all in each workshop. My time belongs totally to everyone in the room and what happens during each session is important to me. I want each artist attending to leave feeling 100%inspired. But what happens is that I too get inspiration and I find myself  absolutely desperate to paint non stop when I return home and to my studio.Which is how I am at the moment!

Today I wandered around my garden and came across Christmas roses flowering beautifully. Their snow white heads with stunning yellow centres called to my brushes so even though I am supposed to be working on my new book this week I took time out to paint just for me. I wanted the feeling of freedom and flowing colour capturing a sense of light.

I am looking at this soft first wash and it reminds me of two white doves due to the softness of my brushstrokes here. There is a feeling of peace and calm about this painting. And how badly that feeling is needed in the world today. As artists we can switch off and escape into a world of beauty whenever we choose to. How wonderful it would be if we could do that for real so that every single person in this world sees beauty, treats it with respect and aims to teach others to make this world brighter, filled with love and kindness.

But I am straying away from my painting here!

Christmas Rose Painting Tips.

Paint a good negative outline first. I started this first wash by painting the outer edge of two flowers and a side view of another. 

Soften Edges I have softened edges in places and used a selection of blue and turquoise shades for the background. I have started adding yellow centres. 

Find a few leaf outlines  I teased a few green leaves to appear at the edge of one side of the wash. Next I will add detail of the individual petals and more greenery for depth in the central section.

Make the most of watermarks. I love the watermarks that shine here showing this is pure watercolour minus any other medium being added.

Observe the Real Subject . I often place the real flowers on my work during the creative process to get a feel of how they look compared to my painting as you can see in the image below.

 A real flower and leaf have been placed on my painting to help me decide what brushwork or detail is needed next.


While I was walking around my garden I had a wonderful surprise. Two of the cygnets that had visited us earlier this year appeared and wanted to be fed. Of course I fed them and they stayed here for ages.  I think these must be the offspring of Sydney the swan who visits us each year. 
If you were on my workshops this year you may have seen my photos and video of them.

Here they are!

 Two cygnets almost fully grown visiting my garden today. My next subjects maybe?

 Close up of one of the cygnets

Side by side, what a wonderful sight. Photo taken in my garden this morning.


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