Wednesday 3 February 2016

Leaping Into Spring 2016

 Daffodils on my easel waiting to be completed.

Well, the dogs in watercolour took a back seat today as I couldn't resist working in yellow!

I took Bailey for a walk this morning and daffodils are blooming everywhere. As I returned home looking at the rather grey sky I just knew what I would be painting. Bright cheerful yellow always lifts my spirits! And of course I adore daffodils.

 I have two new washes on the go at the moment. 

Wash 1.
Random yellow and green placement. I am selecting sections to bring the shapes of each flower to life within the wash.

Wash 2.
 Colours allowed to merge together with a slightly bolder choice of pigment for contrast, adding violet for depth in the foliage.

Roll on tomorrow as these will be delightful to look at when I first walk into my studio tomorrow morning!


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