Monday 1 February 2016

Monday: That White Piece of Paper

Beautiful terrier coming to life on my easel

I really love Mondays!

I know many people seem to dread Monday but to me it is the best day of the week. And I am so excited because I leave for my USA tour at the end of this month. And I have a secret to share because I am useless at keeping secrets so please never ever tell me one! I will be filming whilst I am on tour so you will be able to see me create all kinds of subjects from flowers to animals later this year.
I am currently working on my programme of filming for a whole week. My main problem is that I have so many favourite subjects to choose from to share my techniques that I am torn on what I can and cannot include. But I will be sharing as many subjects as possible.

At the same time I am being asked for new work especially for new dog paintings in watercolour which is a great coincidence as I am working on a beautiful new collection of animals at the moment. 

This morning I began a gorgeous painting of a dog in watercolour. The sun is shining and the birds are singing outside my studio window. It feels like heaven on earth watching pure colour flow so simply to create this particular beautiful pet portrait.

Whatever you are doing, I hope you have a great week ahead and I hope your colours are flowing too!

Beautiful terrier coming to life on my easel, adding more detail and hint of the body.

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