Sunday 28 February 2016

Vancouver Watercolour Workshops 2016

I have arrived in Vancouver ahead of my 2016 Watercolour Workshops here and I am raring to go. After a week of filming, which was wonderful, I'm so eager to get painting that tomorrow, the first of my three workshops in Canada can't come soon enough!

These workshops were sold out very quickly and a waiting list is in place for any cancellations. I have really exciting techniques and colour ideas to share and Im hoping every single artist who attends is going to leave feeling 100% inspired and motivated .

Today is my first free day minus any travelling for a while so I'm going to enjoy a little of this fabulous city before heading to the studio to meet the organiser of this exciting art event and see the venue I will be teaching in.

A very fabulous week is looming and oh boy am I ready to paint, share, have fun and meet great people!

Roll on tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. Well we did indeed enjoy your many ideas and encouragement and fun! Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm with us. Hugo and I are back home on Vancouver Island again ... Hoping your upcoming days are a pleasure for you ... Especially your wee outing coming up! I could barely wait to get out to my studio this morning and ... Play... I did some washes ... I did some experimenting.... Thank you again


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