Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Exciting Washes : Paint Yourself Calm

 Beautiful wash created this morning

Every day without fail I race to my studio for my daily exercise in the form of warm up colour washes. There is no point in repeating what I know so I develop my watercolour skills by using new colour combinations, different applications of water, and I use salt or cling film at times to create texture.

The more washes I paint the more I want to paint. They are addictive.

I do use a lot of water to form these stunning patterns and you can see me in action on my new DVDs with Artist Network TV.com. These films are also available for purchase from Northlight Books .com

Each day my washes grow more and more dramatic, and exciting because of my confidence with the effects I wish to achieve and the new colours I keep trying.

Here are todays' warm up washes. I have no idea what subjects will be painted on them but I know I will love creating on them later this week.

Todays warm up washes.

Two small and one large warm up wash. Salt has been used to create texture in the two small washes. Cling film and salt was used in the larger wash.

My book which explains in more depth the value of washes is available from Amazon.com via this link

My " Watercolor Work Out "  DVD is available vai this link


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