New cat painting in watercolour
Work in progress
What a day. I have had two deliveries to my studio. And I was fascinated to see both of the individual delivery guys enthralled by the cat paintings on my easel. My new cat painting, seen above as a work in progress, is on my easel and my own cat Buster is the model. Buster used to stretch out in sunshine and was quite a gorgeous fluffy monster. When young his eyes shone incredibly brightly so my focus is on those at the moment.
I thought I would share my work in progress as I have come across a common problem when artists paint cats on my workshops. They tend to get to this stage and think something is terribly wrong with their painting. This is when they will strentghen colour to the fur or eyes, or try to adjust the cats features and actually all that is wrong is that their cat has no whiskers!
When you are working with animals it is best to place all the details and features you want in place before you begin to make any corrections or major changes.
Its' a fact.
Cats look odd without whiskers!
So having shared my sunbathing cat at stage I can go on to add the whiskers and complete him.
He is pretty lovely!
Very cute and quite adorable!
So lovely. You never fail to inspire me and even though I know I'll never reach your level rest assured I will never give up!