Sunday, 13 November 2016

Remembrance Sunday 2016 : Flowing Red

"Flowing Red"
Remembrance Sunday 2016

When I was a little girl I listened while my grandfather talked about "the war to end all wars". He believed that the bloody battles that saw so many lives lost were in a good cause. He and his comrades fought for freedom. They fought so that generations to come might live in peace.

If I wrote a letter to my Grandfather in heaven I wonder how I could describe the world today. There seems to be far more hatred recently in this last year than I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Most recently from people falling out over the USA elections. And whilst I understand how awful it must be to see your candidate lose what frightens me most is the need to be right.

Surely until we all can show compassion and understanding to our fellow man, of whatever race, gender or religion they happen to be we will never find peace on this earth.

For me Remembrance Sunday is about remembering those who gave their lives and those who are serving still. So that others may live without fear and in peace.

I would like to make my grandfather proud. I have no idea how he faced battle astride a horse as he did. What courage. And what fears my grandmothers' generation faced, seeing their loved ones leave home knowing they may never return. What hardships they had to overcome.

"Flowing Red" represents the bloodshed and tears of times gone by. It carries wishes for years ahead minus more needless bloodshed.

"The war to end all wars"

What hope those words held.

Fight not with words. But instead, as artists' lets wear armour of kindness today and make our ancestors proud.

Dear Grandad, I am wearing my poppy with pride in your honour. 
And painting thinking of you.



Please note: Artists on my recent workshops will notice I haven't used a palette for this painting. I will share more on technique in future blog posts.

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