Monday, 10 April 2017

Spring Posy

Spring Posy
Work in Progress

The weather has been amazingly warm and so I have been torn between my two passions. Painting and gardening.  I see them both as totally combined activities, each helping the other work. For example,today I carried pruned branches of shrubs to the compost heap at the foot of our garden. I had been cutting back ivy that has taken over our wishing well. What once was a little bit of ivy adorning the wiahing well roof,  now is an overgrown plant that has almost hidden the well entirely. I gave the ivy a very heavy pruning this afternoon and the wishing well is now looking beautiful again. Planted with geraniums, white pansy and a mix of colourful petunia which will look stunning in summer.

On the way to the compost heap to throw pruned shrub branches away I laid several blown down daffodils on top.  These flowers I was intending to take into the cottage for a floral arrangement later on. But laying on top of the ivy, the flowers looked so pretty that on my way back to our home I headed into my studio instead and painted the posy in my hands. This made such a pretty composition, and to think everything was originally headed to be thrown away.

From rubbish can sometimes come beauty, as in this case.

And of the rest of the week I will look twice at what I throw away!

Have a great week ahead!


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