Monday, 3 September 2018

Instagram ? I am finally on it!

Blackberry  First Wash

While writing a new book I tend to lock myself away consistently but I have recently joined Instagram. When I say recently I mean this weekend! Everyone has been begging me to join for ages but my problem was thinking " Do I really need to be on one more social media site!"

Well I am there now and as I am painting prolifically I am sharing my work each day so if you would like to find me there just look for my name and  you are welcome to follow my watercolour antics! You will also see my latest work there that I haven't had time to share here. But I will still be writing on my blog because of course this is where I share my workshop news and I can write much longer posts here!

But right now I am going to paint as the sun is shining and its a beautiful day to be working in watercolour but when isn't it a beautiful day to be working in watercolour?



1 comment:

  1. Could you please put a link to your Instagram account on this blog please😊


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