Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Happy Christmas! 2019

Poinsettia in Watercolour

Where oh where does the time go?

Well here is December 2019 and next week is Christmas. In fact Christmas Day is now only one week away. With all my good intentions of being on my blog more often I had studio and computer problems which meant that wish for me didn't come true.

But I camefon my blog today for one thing only.

To wish you the very best of Christmases. 

 I am aware that this isnfot the easiest of times for so many. We miss loved ones and friends so very much who are no longer with us. For us, this year has seen quite a few unexpected extremely sad goodbyes, one in particular hurts very much. I look at my husband John and feel so blessed to be together still and enjoying life.We are very lucky indeed.

I pick up a blank piece of white paper and see it as a golden opportunity to create something new, colourful and exciting. I wake each day thinking positive regardless of what may have happened the day before. Life has its' way of throwing us hurdles, juat like those wretched mistakes in our art that we have to handle or get over somehow. Knowing not everything is in our control is really a wonderful way to look at working in watercolour. I don't try to control it. I try to work with it, making the most of its beautiful qualities.The surprises and happy accidents.  Loving what I like and adapting to the things that I don't. 

Like life.

I painted a poinsettia as one is in my home and I loved its vibrant red bracts.  Initially my painting looked too pink but I added a layer of a red shade on top of  the composition to add more punch to the piece. Now I like the energy in the brushwork that is unhindered by lines pre drawn.

I know, and have always known since childhood that I am a free spirit. There is no point in trying to tie me down to just one subject or just one technique. Which is why my favourite medium suits me so well. I wake painting what I feel like painting and love the freedom and sense of adventure this brings me. And pleasure.

So today, I'm wishing you happiness and freedom to have your own adventures. I wish for you many successful painting days in the New Year, and joy and laughter in your life.

Have the best Christmas ever and an even better 2020.

I will be starting my blog in 2020 making an announcement for anyone interested in learning watercolour from me so please do watch this space!





  1. Hello Jean!
    Like all his works, this one is wonderful too. Congratulations!
    To you, your family and friends, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    M. Machado

  2. Hello Jean. Sending Christmas Greetings from Canada. The poinsettia painting is lovely :)

  3. Hi Jean,
    Are you teaching in the US in 2020? I looked on your website, but didn't see any dates!
    Thank you,
    Nancy Dunn


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